Thursday, January 24, 2008

How Your Goals Controls Your Happiness and Future.

Your goals determine to a large extend, the quality of your life.

They define your level of happiness, success and fulfillment. This is so because your goals originate from your needs (which are the root of your emotions and feelings). Thus, you set goals and achieve them in order to satisfy your needs.

The more goals you achieve, the more your needs are satisfied and the happier and more satisfied you become.

In reality, you set so many goals everyday and strive to achieve them, even without being aware of it. When you're hungry, you think of how to eat and what to eat. In this scenario, your hunger is your need for food and your goal is "to eat''.

So what really are goals?

They are needs or want which a person desires to satisfy. A need becomes a goal when a person decides to satisfy it.

There are several kinds of goal. Understudying them helps you achieve your personal goals and thus, live a more meaningful life. They are;

1.  Everyday goals – they're goals which you set and strive to achieve on an everyday basis. They originate from your everyday needs and are set to satisfy your everyday physical and social needs.

Examples include your desire to eat when hungry and to talk to a friend when lonely.

2.  Improvement goals – they are goals which improves the quality of your life. They satisfy your needs for recognition, respect, prestige and self-actualization. They include desires for positions, promotions, possession and achievement.    

Everyday goals and improvement goals are called ultimate goals because they're the peak of the satisfaction of your needs.

3.  Intermediary goals – they are the small goals which you have to achieve in order to achieve your ultimate goals. The achievement of one intermediary goal leads to the onset of another. It is this setting and achievement, from one goal to the other that leads to the achievement of your ultimate goals.

In essence, intermediary goals are levels of goals whose achievement leads to the achievement of ultimate goals. This means that the achievement of ultimate goals depends on the step by step achievement of other smaller goals.

 For you to eat, the food has to be cooked first, and then served. These small goals of cooking and serving are what lead to your ultimate goals of eating. Any stage that other people can notice and admire gives its own dose of respect and recognition (ultimate goals).

4.     Problem goals – they originate from the obstacles or circumstances which hinder you from achieving your ultimate goals. They’re the goals you set in order to change the circumstances that prevent you from achieving your ultimate goals.

They also require stages of achievement in order to achieve them. They too, also come with their own doze of recognition when admired by others.

5.     Unit goals – they are the tasks which you undergo in order to achieve other goals. To cook, you have to cut the vegetables, slice the onion, light the fire and so on. These individual actions you take are what are called unit goals.

They are the building block (or root) of achieving other goals. 

Achieving them doesn't primarily satisfy any need but gives you the satisfaction that you're getting closer to your ultimate goals.

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